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    : Counting People and Smart Animals "This counter counts PEEEOPLE!" shouted Charlton Heston as he was carried away on a stretcher

    The kanji means "person," and the Japanese counter is used to count people. And although there are some exceptions—including very smart animals, pets, and "monsters" that are friendly to humans—we'll talk about those later. Most of your use of will be related to good old homo sapiens.

    Counting with the Japanese Counter

    Before you get into it, though, take a few moments to learn the pronunciation of when it's used as a counter. It's a bit tricky, since it uses a mix of the wago and kango counting methods. The chart below and the notes that follow can help you.

    Numeral Japanese Reading 1
    1 一人 ひとり
    2 二人 ふたり
    3 三人 さんにん
    4 四人 よにん
    5 五人 ごにん
    6 六人 ろくにん
    7 七人 しちにん/ななにん
    8 八人 はちにん
    9 九人 くにん/きゅうにん
    10 十人 じゅうにん
    11 十一人 じゅういちにん
    12 十二人 じゅうににん
    14 十四人 じゅうよにん
    20 二十人 にじゅうにん
    24 二十四人 にじゅうよにん
    100 百人 ひゃくにん
    1,000 千人 せんにん
    10,000 一万人 いちまんにん
    how many people 何人 なんにん

    The number 9 can be read either as or きゅう, though きゅう is more common.

    For one person and two people, we use the wago pronunciation for both number and counter. These come up a lot, so it's best just to memorize them. Three or more people are counted with the kango pronunciation. The only exceptions to this happen in a few very remote and rural areas in Japan, where pockets of citizens still use みたり for 3人 and よったり for 4人. But it's unlikely that you'll run into them in your travels.

    But there are other oddities. With most counters, you read 4 as よん, but is an oddball and 4人 is read よにん—with no . Even though the しち reading of a 7+counter is correct, people prefer the なな reading because of the potential confusion between いち and しち. But since 一人 is read ひとり, not いちにん, that's not a problem for . Still, many people these days are using the less common ななにん, because of the trend toward using なな in 7+counters overall.

    Finally, the number 9 can be read either as or きゅう, though きゅう is more common.

    That should do it for the odd pronunciation exceptions. Let's find out what counts, starting with its most common use: people!


    woman smiling and waving

    "People" can be many things, of course: a woman, a man, a sister, a brother, a friend, an actor, an audience member, a baseball player, and so on. As long as they're people, they can be counted using .

    • 兄弟は何人いますか?
    • How many siblings do you have?
    • トーフグには約10人の社員がいます。
    • Tofugu has about ten staff members.
    • 参加者は一人しかいなかった。
    • There was only one participant.

    You can also use to count things that belong to people: their shadows, their footprints, their pets—whatever is theirs!

    • 三人の影が見えた。
    • I could see three people's shadows.
    • そこには二人の指紋が残っていた。
    • The fingerprints of two people were left there.
    • コウイチのシャツには、四人のキスマークがついていた。
    • There were four people's kiss marks on Koichi's shirt.

    A More Polite People Counter

    The Japanese counter is fine for counting people. If you wanted to be more formal or polite, though, be aware that the counter (めい) or (かた) is sometimes preferred in certain contexts. You may walk into a restaurant and the host will ask, 何名様ですか?—essentially, "how many s?" If you are asked this, you would typically reply using the same counter: 一名 or 二名!

    • 何名様のご予約ですか?
    • A reservation for how many people?
    • 五名様ですね。かしこまりました。
    • For five people? Understood.
    • もうお一方は後から来られるようです。
    • It seems like one more person is coming later.

    If you want to know more about these not-quite- kinds of counters, you can find them as part of our big counter list.

    Portions of Food

    plate of red food

    If the counter is combined with the suffix (まえ), it's used to count food portions. 一人前, for example, is one portion of food.

    (Just a note: 一人前 and 二人前 both use the kango pronunciations, making them いちにんまえ and ににんまえ, not ひとりまえ and ふたりまえ.)

    • 枝豆を二人前ください。
    • Can we get two portions of edamame, please?
    • 一人前のカレーを二人で分けて食べた。
    • The two of us split a one-person portion of curry.
    • 七人前のお寿司を一人で食べたの?
    • Did you really eat a seven-person portion of sushi all by yourself?
    • 1.5人前とかって注文できますか?
    • Can we order one and a half portions of it?

    The term 一人前 is actually used as an idiom, too. In this case, it means "grown-up," "adult," or "full-fledged."

    • お前ももう一人前なんだから、しっかりしろよ。
    • You are a grown-up now, so act your age.
    • 「俺がお前を一人前にしてやる!」ってきかんしゃトーマスに言われたよ。
    • Thomas the Tank Engine said to me, "I'll make a man out of you!"

    Smart Animals

    chimpanzee in white lab coat

    What's the difference between humans and animals? Not much, really. A few strands of DNA. And yet we like to believe that we're smarter. In terms of counters, when you're referring to a smart animal, like one who is specially trained or who lives in a research facility, they are usually counted with rather than with the more typical animal counters (ひき) or (とう).

    • この研究所には、三人のチンパンジーが暮らしています。
    • Three chimpanzees are living in this research center.

    The opposite is true, too: in Japanese, you can imply that you're downgrading certain humans to the level of an animal by counting them using instead. Whether you're referring to a child who was (actually) raised by wolves or just one that causes a lot of trouble, you can count him—or her—using the animal/monster counter .

    • あの洞穴には三匹の野蛮な男達が住んでいる。
    • Three brutes are living in that cave.
    • 二匹のチビがいるから、高級レストランには行けないよ。
    • We have two little rascals, so we can't go to a fancy restaurant.

    "Family Members"

    calico cat counted with japanese counter nin
    We got a new family member who is a miniature dachshund.

    "Family Member" is in quotes here because we're not talking about your mother, your father, your uncle, or even your second-cousin. We're talking about that furry four-legged companion that lives in your house, the one whom you give kisses and treats to every day. That family member.

    When a beloved pet crosses the line from being just an animal to being a part of the family, they can get counted using the counter—in other words, just like your Auntie Melinda. And your sweet, adorable smooshy-wooshy-pie is probably way more human than she is, right? 🐶

    • ミニチュアダックスフンドの家族が一人増えました。
    • We got a new family member who is a miniature dachshund.
    • 愛犬と二人旅に行ってきます。
    • I'm going on a trip alone with my dog.

    Human-Like Creatures, Friends of Humans

    male centaur

    In Lord of the Rings, you'll find a lot of non-humans: elves, dwarves, hobbits, orcs, and the like. Along with other human-like creatures such as mermaids, mermen, centaurs, angels, aliens, and so forth, these kinds of "monsters" all get counted with . This is as long as they're on Team Human™—by which we mean (generally) friendly to us homo sapiens.

    • 公園で二人の妖精に会いました。
    • I met two fairies in the park.
    • 七人の小人の名前、全部覚えてる?
    • Do you remember all the names of the Seven Dwarves?
    • このクラスには、悪魔のような天使が一匹いる。
    • In this class, there is an angel who is like a devil.
    • 五匹のケンタウルスに襲われた。
    • I was attacked by five centaurs.

    Cases in which the human-like creature is generally known to be unfriendly to humans—a Japanese ogre (oni), for example—are typically counted using the animal/monster counter . And yet if one of these oni should decide to love us humans and not destroy us—as onis are wont to do—they may earn the counter. It's a bit of a gray area, although the creature's loyalties and motives will tell you a lot. Study them carefully! And remember that you can always change your to a (or back again) to emphasize how human (or un-human) you think they are. 👦🏻 ➡️ 👹

    Oh, the Humanity!

    Congratulations! You are now a 一人前 (full-fledged) graduate of the Japanese counter basics! Next time you read Lord of the Rings, just think, "Would I count orcs with or ?" (And then follow it up with, "Hmmm… does that make me a little bit racist?") Ouch! Japanese J.R.R. Tolkien knows how to hit us where it hurts.

    When you're ready for more counting action, check out some of the other "deep dive" Japanese counter articles we've written: , , and are good ones, in our opinion.

    And if you're new to this whole counters deal, we recommend you learn the basics of Japanese counters, and then scroll through our massive study list of Japanese counters, which can take you to all the counters we've written about in-depth.

    1. Cells with multiple entries divided by a / indicate multiple pronunciations that are equally common. Cells with entries in parentheses indicate that the parenthesized word is an uncommon or archaic pronunciation.