YUYUの日本語 Podcast

    yuyu no nihongo podcast

    Launched in January of 2021, YUYU’s podcast and YouTube channel have since exploded with new content, and built up a ton of new fans along the way. Host YUYU is a Japanese teacher, who through a vtuber avatar does long live streams on YouTube among other content.

    THe podcast is similarly broad. There are episodes on Japanese history, Japanese language, and of course pop culture, which is perhaps the content YUYU has become most well-known for.

    Episodes vary wildly in length, with some as short as 10 minutes, all the way up to a half-hour or more. YUYU is a kind and thoughtful host, with very clear audio, and an easy-to-understand way of speaking. If you’re looking to get your pop culture fix while you study, look no further than YUYUの日本語 Podcast.
