Tokyo Alice

    Tokyo Alice is a new Amazon Original series that follows the life of shopaholic Tokyoite Fu and three of her old school friends turned housemates. Based on the manga series of the same name, it chronicles their daily ups and downs at work and in love.

    Whether or not this is quality TV is debatable, but as a resource for practicing Japanese it has plenty to offer. The storylines are generally simple and easy to follow, even for learners with an intermediate level in Japanese. The language is the everyday, useful stuff that will serve you well, and there is very little by way of difficult accents or specialized vocabulary. The series also exposes you to a range of different situations, so you get to hear typical dialogues in a variety of professional and social settings. If you don't mind a bit of cheesy TV, this series provides a fun way to practice Japanese listening skills, expressions, and vocabulary.

    Amazon Prime