StudyIn Daily Japanese

    The Instagram account, StudyIn Daily Japanese, is a great resource for learning short phrases in Japanese. The hosts, Yena and Nori, speak both English and Japanese and use both languages to describe common phrases that you may encounter in everyday life. Each Instagram post includes different images and videos that you can slide through to read or watch. For example, a short blurb with an example sentence about the word that they are teaching is always included as one of the first slides that you’ll encounter when swiping through. Other components of the posts include videos from the hosts, where they’ll act out a scenario to provide an example for how the word can be used. They include both a regular speed version of the clip and one that is in slow motion, so you can hear it more clearly. Another helpful clip that appears on the swipe-through is the pitch accent practice, which shows the high and low notes of the word.

    While their videos don't go into great depth about the way the word is used contextually, they can be a helpful review for words you already know, or a resource for picking up new vocabulary. Because the phrases are pretty common and short, this is a good account for beginners. Their YouTube channel has a similar humorous style and most of these videos come from their Instagram reels. These videos are also pretty short, so you can watch quite a few in a short amount of time.

    Pitch Accent