With rounded-corner design, cute typeface, and soft highlight colors, Kanjikai is a new kanji dictionary with an inviting look that makes your kanji search experience lots of fun.
And when we say "kanji search experience," we mean kanji only! Searching in English gets you zero results, and searching for a Japanese word will give you results only for the first kanji in the word. (Searching 面白い, for example, turns up results just for 面.)
With rounded-corner design, cute typeface, and soft highlight colors, Kanjikai is a new kanji dictionary with an inviting look.
That said, the search results you do get offer up a lot of info: readings (both on'yomi and kun'yomi) and meanings, of course, but also JLPT grade, Joyō grade, stroke number, unicode, and, when applicable, nan'ori—kanji used for names. Below all this is a list of words that use the target kanji, complete with their own readings and meanings. If you want the kind of rabbit-hole experience so many dictionaries offer, click any kanji in any word to go to that entry. Even kanji readings are clickable!
When you're after information about a certain reading rather than a kanji character, search in hiragana for kun'yomi results and in katakana for on'yomi.
Overall, Kanjikai is a fine kanji dictionary to bookmark and fun to navigate as well. Use it to explore kanji you know, and see how they're connected to different words or characters.