漢字爆発 / Kanji Explosion

    kanji explosion

    Kanji Bakuhatsu is a neat site that you can use to visually understand the components of kanji. This is basically like Suiren (a resource we also covered), but backwards. Instead of exploring what vocabulary words a kanji appears in, you can see what kanji parts appear in multiple kanji.

    While this is more for aesthetics and good ol' fashioned educational fun than true studying, there are some cool things you can discover when you're looking up kanji radicals and their parts.

    For example, if you were to look up the kanji 検, you'd notice 㑒 is listed among the parts. Hmm, you've seen that in a lot of kanji before. Double click it and you get:

    kanji breakdown map from kanji bakuhatsu

    A cool map of kanji that also use that component, as well as the bits that make up the shape of the component itself. Clicking around on those kanji pulls up the dictionary meanings and readings and… you'll discover all of these kanji have the same on'yomi reading: けん! Very cool.

    If you're the type of person who likes to see things mapped out, if that helps you remember things better, this site is a really fun rabbit hole to lose yourself in.
