Japanese reading is one of the hardest skills to develop, but also one of the most important. Thankfully, Japanese.io is here to give you a great advantage. You can think of it like training wheels for any and every Japanese text you read online.
At its core, Japanese.io is a document reader that adds a host of interactive features to Japanese words. You can copy and paste any Japanese text into the reader, and Japanese.io adds furigana to the kanji (which you can toggle on and off). It also makes every word clickable, so you can get definitions for words you don't know well.
You can copy and paste any Japanese text into the reader, and Japanese.io adds furigana to the kanji.
Here is where Japanese.io gets really cool. At the bottom of the document, there's a button that says "Show Looked-up Words." Click it and you'll get statistics with the number and percentage of look-ups, what words were looked up, and how many times. All these stats are collected in the "Statistics" section, which you can access in the sidebar. There you can see all the words you looked up in the past month. Data like this can give you an accurate picture of what you do and don't know so you can make more informed study decisions.
When you paste Japanese text into Japanese.io, you have the option of adding it to your "Library," for later reading. Over time, you'll amass loads of reading material at your level with statistics tracking your performance across all of it. And if you don't know where to find Japanese text, don't worry. There's a "Suggest Text" option in the sidebar that grabs paragraphs from popular Japanese websites.
The best part is, it's free and signing up is easy. All you need is a Google or Facebook account to gain access.