推しが尊すぎてしんどいのに語彙力がなさすぎてしんどい -腐女子の感情類語辞典-

    fujoshi slang dictionary

    This dictionary teaches Japanese expressions used by 腐女子ふじょし to describe emotions. 腐女子, which literally means rotten girl, is a term for female fans of manga, anime, and novels that focus on romantic relationships between men. 腐女子 are known for inventing and using unique expressions. For example, they often say とうとい, which means precious or sacred. 腐女子 use the word 尊い to express pleasure, delight, or affection in response to something regarded as precious, sweet, endearing, etc. So they may say 尊い when they see their favorite anime characters and or talk about the characters' relationships. They may also say 尊い when they see a little kid being silly and adorable.

    You may think you're not 腐女子 and feel no need to learn the words they use. However, their expressions are so unique that they often become common Internet slang. For example, if you search for 尊い on Twitter, you'll find lots of tweets using this term. If you read or want to read Internet posts in Japanese, this book will come in handy.

    This dictionary isn't for everybody though. It's written in Japanese only and the kanji doesn't have furigana. There are example sentences, and some illustrations to supplement your comprehension from time to time, but not many. So, to get the most out of it, this book will require an upper intermediate to advanced level of Japanese understanding.

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