Fresh Cards

    fresh cards

    This new app was released a few months ago by an independent developer looking for an easy-to-use flashcard system to memorize facts more effectively. It uses SRS, just like Tofugu’s own kanji and vocabulary learning platform, WaniKani, and it is indeed attractive and user-friendly.

    Fresh Cards is only available on Apple platforms, but the one-off purchase price includes both iOS and MacOS, and it syncs via iCloud, meaning that you can create flashcard decks on your Mac and then share with your iPhone or iPad (and vice versa). It supports Japanese text, and you can drag and drop images and audio files into the cards. Creating the decks couldn’t be easier, and if you want to reorder your cards into different decks, you simply drag and drop them. When reviewing on the Mac version, you can use the down arrow key to flip the card, and then the left and right keys to choose whether you got that card right or wrong.

    There are currently a few features missing from the app, depending on how you would want to use it, but the developer hopes to add more in future. Even so, Fresh Cards doesn’t intend to be as customizable as well-known flashcard program Anki, and doesn’t offer as many features as some other flashcard apps out there, like Mochi Cards or Wokabulary, but it does what it sets out to do very well: it looks great, and it’s intuitive and fun to use.

    So if you're an Apple user looking for a nice, simple app to create custom flashcards, and use them with an SRS algorithm, Fresh Cards could be a good option for you!

    Desktop App
    Mobile App