For self-learners on a budget, this is one of the best values. It's packed with information and teaches it really well.
Elementary Japanese is something of a hidden gem. It was written for classrooms and self-learners, so you can use it in a variety of situations. You can practice reading everything you learned from WaniKani, because the kanji has no furigana!
But the grammar explanations are the best feature of this textbook. They are thorough, but conversational. You never feel like they've been "dumbed down," yet they're not confusing either.
A few drawbacks: romaji sticks around well past page 100 before it's dropped completely. Also, the design is on the plain side, which makes it hard to find the dividing lines between different sections like grammar explanations, dialogues, and exercises.
For self-learners on a budget, this is one of the best values. It's packed with information and teaches it really well. And for the low price, you won't regret the purchase, even if it doesn't turn out to be your absolute favorite Japanese textbook.