Particle (Nominalizer)

    • Particle
    is a nominalizer. It turns non-nouns — things like verbs, adjectives, or clauses — into nouns.

    Table of Contents

    The Basics

    Particle has various roles in Japanese grammar, such as to modify nouns and to nominalize words (that is, turn non-nouns into nouns). On this page, we'll discuss the nominalizer function of particle .

    Nominalization may be a new word to you, but it's not actually a new concept! In English, verbs and clauses can act like a noun in a sentence, often taking forms like -ing. For example, when the verb "run" becomes "running" or "to run," it can take the role of a noun in a sentence, as in "I like running" or "I like to run." In Japanese, the same thing is accomplished with particle :

    • 走るのは楽しい。
    • Running is fun.

    See how is stuck on to the end of the verb, 走る (run)? This nominalizes it, so now it can function in the sentence like a noun.

    However, particle is a lot more versatile than -ing in English. can nominalize other things than just verbs, and it can also stand in for lots of implied meanings depending on the context. Check it out:

    • 走るのは明日だよ。
    • (The time for) running is tomorrow.
    • 走るのはキャメロンだよ。
    • (The person) running is Cameron.

    Even though the only words we see are 走るの, which translates to "running," the meaning can include implied information. The context of the first sentence allows us to infer that 走るの contains time information, as in "the time for running." In fact, we could imagine that is standing in for a noun, like 時間 (time). In the second example, we know that 走るの contains information about a person, as in "the person running." We could replace with (person) here and it would make sense.

    So to sum it up, we can think of particle as a placeholder for another noun. We'll take a closer look at this idea throughout the page, so don't worry if you're still feeling a bit confused!

    Patterns of Use

    Now let's take a closer look at how nominalizer changes words into nouns, and how it's used in sentences.

    Relative Clause +

    The nominalizer is a particle, but it's also important to know that it acts like a noun. In fact, it's almost like a placeholder for nouns like こと (non-physical thing) or もの (material thing). Depending on the context, it could also indicate a time, a place, or a reason.

    For example, using , which is a word for a material thing, you can say:

    • [お父さんが買った]物は、バナナです。
    • The thing [dad bought] is a banana.

    In this example, the clause [お父さんが買った] modifies (thing). In other words, the clause is adding detail to tell us what kind of "thing" this is. When a clause modifies a noun like this, it's called a relative clause. How is this related to nominalizer ? works just like in the above example — instead of modifying a more specific word like , you modify the placeholder with a relative clause.

    • [お父さんが買った]のは、バナナです。
    • What [dad bought] is a banana.

    This applies to the earlier example 走るの (running) as well. Yes, 走る is a verb, but it is a clause at the same time.

    • [走る]のは楽しい。
    • Running is fun.

    In this case, is a placeholder for , which means "non-physical things," including activities like running. So both 走る事 and 走るの can indicate "the act of running." Now, are you getting the gist?

    There are a couple of things about relative clauses to bear in mind. You usually use the plain form, not the polite 〜ます form.

    • ⭕️ お父さんが買ったのは、バナナです。
    • What dad bought is a banana.

    The second point is for when the clause ends with a -adjective in the present positive form. You need to add , just like when you modify nouns with -adjectives:

    • ⭕️ 大切なのはやさしさだ。
    • What's important is kindness.

    こそあど Words +

    Nominalizer can be modified by some of the こそあど words, aka Japanese demonstratives. This is especially true for ones like こんな/そんな/あんな/どんな and こういう/そういう/ああいう/どういう, which mean "like this/that/etc."

    • こんなの要らないよ。
    • I don't need things like this.
    • そういうのは、前もって教えてください。
    • Please let me know things like that in advance.

    At The End of Sentences

    When nominalizer comes at the end of a sentence, it can add an explanatory feel. If the sentence is a question, it can be used to request an explanation. , in fact, is believed to be part of 〜のです, these days more commonly 〜んです, which adds an explanatory tone to sentences.

    This explanatory feel means is often used in strong commands — explaining things you should do or shouldn't do.

    • 授業中は、おしゃべりしないの!
    • Don't chat during class!

    It might be helpful to think of this as sort of like a bullet point — "not chatting during classes" — as if it's a part of a list of dos and don'ts.

    Similarly, is used to explain a process or instructions for something, as if it's listing to-dos step by step.

    • まずは、洗うの。それで、きれいになったら、こうやって切るの。
    • First, clean it. Then, once it is clean, cut it like this.

    Unless it's paired with a formal component such as the politeness marker です, this use of is usually reserved for informal situations. It's also often associated with feminine and childish speech. However, this age/gender nuance disappears when used in questions with rising intonation. Instead, it just communicates a sense of curiosity.

    • まずは、洗うの?
    • Do you clean first?

    Uses of Nominalizer

    Meanings of nominalizer change depending on the context because it acts like a placeholder for various words: (non-physical thing), (material thing) as well as "time," "place" and "reason." Now let's take a look at common examples of what could mean.

    Non-Physical Things

    often gets used for things that have no physical presence, such as an event, idea, fact, or thought. This is similar to the meanings of the Japanese noun , which is actually considered a nominalizer as well. In fact, and are often interchangeable.

    • 一人でトイレに行ったのが、よく思い出せない。
    • I can't really remember having gone to the bathroom by myself.
    • バク転できないのが、悔しい。
    • I'm frustrated about not being able to backflip.

    Material Things

    is also used to turn clauses into nouns to describe "material things" that have a physical presence. This includes "living things" such as people or animals.

    • 甘いのが食べたい。
    • I want to eat sweet things.
    • 昔飼っていたのは、犬です。
    • What I used to have as a pet was a dog.
    • そこにいるのは、誰ですか?
    • Who's there?
      (Literally: Who is it that is there?)

    Time and Place

    is used to turn clauses into nouns to describe "when" and "where" something happens, and it often appears in sentences with other elements that indicate a certain time or place.

    • スーツケースが届くのは明日です。
    • It's tomorrow that the suitcase will be delivered.
    • この町が美しかったのは、五十年前です。
    • When this city was beautiful is fifty years ago.
    • 次のオリンピックが開催されるのは東京です。
    • It's Tokyo where the next Olympics will be held.
    • 生まれたのはニューヨークです。
    • Where I was born is New York.


    can be used as a placeholder for a "reason," especially when the purpose of the sentence is to explain or to ask for a reason.

    • アメリカに住みたいのは、英語の勉強がしたいからです。
    • Why I want to live in the U.S. is because I want to study English.
    • そう思ったのは、なぜですか。
    • Why did you think so?
      (Literally: What's the reason for thinking so?)

    Beyond The Basics

    Nominalizer For Listing

    Nominalizer can be used to list a couple of things that contrast with each other, or for things that are similar to each other.

    • レストランに行くの行かないのでもめた。
    • We argued about whether to go to a restaurant or not.

    For nouns and -adjectives, you'd need to add and say 〜だの〜だの.

    • テスト勉強だの部活だので忙しいよ。
    • I'm busy with things like studying for exams and club activities at school.

    This use of often carries a negative connotation, and may sound like you're complaining. However, there is a special, idiomatic pattern used to enthusiastically say that something is extraordinary. This is achieved when you take the same adjective and repeat it twice, once in the positive and once in the negative, followed of course by our nominalizer . For example, with the -adjective 美味しい (delicious), you can say:

    • ポートランドのビール、そりゃ美味しいの、美味しくないのって!
    • Beer in Portland is beyond delicious!
      (Literally: Beer in Portland is not even a matter of delicious or not delicious.)

    This is often interchangeable with another idiomatic expression, 〜のなんのって, as in 美味しいのなんのって.