
    1. reviews

      Rhinospike Or How I got Native Japanese Speakers To Record Me Free Audio

      | Koichi
    2. japanese

      Question: How Should You Learn Kanji? We asked the experts

      | Koichi
    3. japanese

      The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Learning Kanji Don't do what I did

      | Koichi
    4. japanese

      The History Of Kanji Where did kanji come from, anyway?

      | Koichi
    5. japan

      What Do You Call Your Japanese Sweetheart? I love you, Sweetie-chan

      | Koichi
    6. japan

      Understanding The Japanese Address System Find your way around Japan with numbers

      | Koichi
    7. japanese

      How To Pronounce The Japanese "R" Sound RRRrrrRRRrrrrRRRRrrr

      | Koichi
    8. japanese

      Rosetta Stone Japanese: Is It Worth It? Is it worth the money?

      | Koichi
    9. japanese

      Is Learning Japanese Not Popular Anymore? And what does the future hold?

      | Koichi
    10. japan

      100 Ways to Entertain Japanese Visitors What's boring to you is fascinating to Japanese people

      | Koichi
    11. japan

      How to get a Japanese Scholarship Get to Japan for free

      | Koichi
    12. japanese

      Japanese Language Cheatsheet For Travelers Going to Japan but don't want to really learn Japanese? Use a cheatsheet.

      | Koichi
    13. japan

      Kancho Survival Guide or How To Defend Your Butt From Japanese Children

      | Caitlin O'Mara
    14. japanese

      How Not To Find A Japanese Language Partner Don't scare your language partners away

      | Koichi
    15. japanese

      Strange Katakana Words Words you may have trouble deciphering

      | Gakuranman
    16. reviews

      Tenso Shipping: International Forwarding Service Get Your Own Japanese Shipping Address (and ship things on the cheap)

      | Koichi
    17. japanese

      Japanese Particles Cheatsheet Should I be using or …?

      | Koichi
    18. japanese

      Furigana: How To Use The Little Kana That Live Above Your Kanji In the end, you should probably just learn kanji

      | Koichi
    19. japanese

      Shiritori, The Japanese Game That Will Improve Your Japanese Good for a long Japanese car ride.

      | Koichi
    20. japan

      Jesus’ Life, Family, and Death (in Japan) You can even visit his grave!

      | Koichi
    21. japanese

      Listen to Japanese Podcasts via iTunes Hone your skills and your ears

      | Koichi
    22. japan

      The No Gaijin Allowed Mentality Japanese Only!

      | Koichi
    23. japan

      Japanese Restaurant Culture What to do and not do at a restaurant in Japan

      | Koichi
    24. japanese

      Studying Japanese Over The Summer Three full months of Japanese study

      | Koichi
    25. japanese

      6 Reasons Why Kanji is Necessary Why you should learn kanji even if "you don't wannnnna"

      | Koichi
    26. japanese

      Talk Like A Samurai Katajikenai for reading this.

      | Koichi and Mami Suzuki
    27. japanese

      Using Twitter to Practice Japanese Tweet Tweet ピチピチ

      | Koichi
    28. japanese

      Japanese Online Translators: They Laugh at You I hope you wanted to call your teacher "cheese butt" cause you just did

      | Erin
    29. japanese

      Japanese Grammar: At the Same Time A grammar breakdown

      | Koichi
    30. japanese

      Studying Japanese with a Nintendo DS Get your game on and learn something at the same time

      | Koichi
    31. japanese

      Beginning Japanese: All Your First Steps Get off on the right foot

      | Koichi
    32. japanese

      Ways To Say "Desu" Learn your way around the greatest copula in Japanese

      | Koichi